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Date Posted:01/23/2009 10:07 AMCopy HTML
From: stpatrick10 (Original Message) | Sent: 1/19/2006 4:31 AM | As
the last bit of daybreak dips into darkness...I awaken from my deep
slumber. Rising up from my sarcofigus I wander out of my chamber into
the halls. Stiding down the halls as if I were floating on air I enter
the throne room....empty. "The Castle is empty....where are the children?" I
say to myself. Puzzled I wander over to the terrace and open the
doors. Wandering out onto the terrace, I close my eyes and absorb in
the night air...listening to the children of the night. |
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:I am the night
Date Posted:01/23/2009 10:07 AMCopy HTML
From: ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦ | Sent: 1/19/2006 4:47 AM | Back
at her castle she grew tired and bored. How it was unusual for me to
feel this way. I normally found myself in the library readingmost of
my old books I wrote within of my past travels and journey's through
life. No.. I found myself outside walking aimlessly around my castle.
felt a strange feeling all night that lead me out here. I wasn't sure
at first what it meant, but soon was going to find out. Far away from
this land was soon a traveler to meet upon my lands. I didn't get many
folks around here much. So when that feeling came, I did not deny it,
I went with it. I went to my gardens around the side of the castle,
running through the fields of blood roses. How the smell was enhancing
to my senses. Drove me wild at times. Maybe it was the blood within
the rose... my own. I was insane.. in a good way for this evening. I
later found myself to lay down upon a thick section of grass, looking
up to the dark skies. My favorite time to be out here. Did not matter
if day or night... I could go out anytime. I just enjoyed my nights
more.. much more peaceful. |
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:I am the night
Date Posted:01/23/2009 10:08 AMCopy HTML
From: stpatrick10 | Sent: 1/19/2006 5:04 AM | As
I looked out across the land....the was something this night that has
got my attention....a presence I have not felt...familiar yet not. I
have none many that have graced this land....and this did not sit well
with me....perhaps if I ponder it a while I might understand it better.
Going back inside and sitting on my throne. Perhaps the children have
decided to go and play for the night...i have not been right these past
few days...the presence eats at me... Closing
my eyes....I meditate on its presence...calling to it...calling it to
my castle....welcoming it. I am the Lord of the night...and there is a
stranger in my world.....HALF BREED!! YES!! I KNEW IT....I know of this
half breed... My laughter fills the chamber and the sending it to the night sky....let it come to me....let her meet her maker |
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:I am the night
Date Posted:01/23/2009 10:10 AMCopy HTML
From: ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦ | Sent: 1/23/2006 3:35 AM | I
had nothing further to say. He spoke enough for us both. I Just
watched him, and then nodded in silence. I would follow him around as
he gave me a tour of his castle. I did not in fact nod to further
playing that tune. He was far too wise for that. I did however find I
was not angry but bothered by the fact he was my father's maker,
creater. My feelings for him soon faded. My lust, well.. I just
avoided it and went about this tour with him. | | Reply
 | Recommend | Delete Message 32 of 66 in Discussion | | From: ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦ | Sent: 1/23/2006 3:48 AM | I
looked, intently. I saw such sad emotion in this painting, yet such
power and strength. It said something. It spoke loudly, unlike me.
We further continued down as he shwoed more of his art. His taste was
well... unique. I
had many paintings around my castle in which each had a story in the
picture itself. I bought some of it, and painted the rest through the
hardest times in my life. I found myself in a place, not confused or
lost... but bound. I was melting. My knees were weak, my soul... my
mind felt much as my body would try hard to hide my true feelings. I
was sure he'd see right through it, and found myself arguing a
matter... then why hide it..? Just be it and do something about it. I
did not speak to him. I didn't have too. My body language said it all
in the way I presented myself toward him at this point. I no longer
then felt defeat. I then became one with what I actually feared for so
long. | | Reply
 | Recommend | Delete Message 34 of 66 in Discussion | | From: ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦ | Sent: 1/23/2006 4:01 AM | I
embraced his kiss. I felt myself fall at the mercy of his being. I no
longer cared who was more dominate or powerful. I just felt something
inside, it took hold, make me weaker. I felt my my knees were about to
let go. His touch alone did it, the kiss just added. He
was more than just what he represented and I wanted it all for myself.
I would not tell him. I would let him see for himself. I
forgot about my rage. I let go and gave in to my will to fight. I did
not feel at a loss. I did not feel I won. It was just there. The
kiss was stunning, breath taking, as much he was. He took my breath
away from the moment I felt I needed to seek him out. Dracula... he
was just as I hoped and more. | |
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:I am the night
Date Posted:01/23/2009 10:11 AMCopy HTML
 | Recommend | Delete Message 38 of 66 in Discussion | | From: ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦ | Sent: 1/23/2006 4:33 AM | And
then it happened... I became my worst fears. He bit down deep, tasted
of my essence, the purity, sweetness. I let out of a whispering erotic
moan. Music to the ears of the true vampire. I just felt completely
powerless and full of passion and desire. Maybe that had been my power
all along. The
air felt different. Everything around, I forgot about. I forgot
alot. Maybe I just let go and let happen. His lustful pleasures, I
felt had only just begun. As did mine. | |
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:I am the night
Date Posted:01/23/2009 10:13 AMCopy HTML
 | Recommend | Delete Message 40 of 66 in Discussion | | From: ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦ | Sent: 1/23/2006 5:26 AM | I
felt myself lose self control. I didn't fight it. He was so
deliciously erotic. I wanted to taste of his essence. Engulf him. I
just let things happen. I felt such heat of passion from him, it made
me tremble all that much more. I was entraced by his demour. He was a
pure gentleman about every move he made. Careful and precise. He
didn't go to far too fast, he moved with ease. He was smooth. A man.
He was the myth I heard so much about. The monster I knew many
feared. And I was under his form upon the bed. The
bedding was soft to the touch. The touch he placed upon me, was
softer, lustful and fiery. I let out the most silent of whispers,
gasps. I was in a complete state of erotica. I would allow him to do
as he pleased. To ponder and feast upon me. I could not escape the
truth. And then I became scared. I feared myself more than before..
in the mist of the furious passion, I wanted to run. And if I did
run... I hoped he would come for me and ask me to stay. Not beg like
most do.. but ask, like it should be done. To embrace me with fury,
ravage me with a pleasured passion. I felt myself fighting my demons
while enthralling him. This became extremely intense. | | Reply
 | Recommend | Delete Message 42 of 66 in Discussion | | From: ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦ | Sent: 1/24/2006 11:55 PM | I
found myself drifting in and out of what was happening. I saw not only
myself trembling by his touch, but as well his look and tender kiss.
He was enthralling me within his embrace. I was going to allow it. I
wanted to stop him, I feared the passion we had between us. I was far
from use to sharing such an emotion with someone, he was far from just
anyone. I could feel his attraction for the inner part of me. As we
shared the kiss that could be the beginning of something more than
wonderful, I felt as if I was not really there. I saw myself with him,
as he began to unzip my shirt, I saw my reaction. I slipped in and out
like I was dreaming. I began to embrace the moment as if it would
never come again. I found myself back in place looking deep within his
eyes. I did not further watch him, I was too entranced by his eyes.
His mind I felt as much a lust for as his body. I
could then hear the softest of music in my mind. Caressing my soul. I
felt more in control now than I have at any point in time. I did not
feel he was going to use me, but to bring me into him, enhale my
essence by taste and scent. I placed a hand upon his cheek, tenderly
to caress... it was as if I found something I searched for so long and
could not find, till now. The last time I felt this way for one, he
was taken without even a chance to say goodbye. I died then. Roamed
the earth a lost soul. I felt a deep connection with. It felt dark
but good. I then realized... he was the one I traveled through time in
search for. The one I feared, was most intimated by, because he was
very much a predator like myself. | |
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:I am the night
Date Posted:01/23/2009 10:14 AMCopy HTML
 | Recommend | Delete Message 43 of 66 in Discussion | | From: stpatrick10 | Sent: 1/25/2006 4:41 AM | Taking
my finger nail and sliding it across my chest....I look deep into her
eyes....looking past all the hatred she had and seeing the passion deep
within her. "Drink from me....and join me in eternal darkness as blood will be your blood" As the blood drips down from my open wound.....I can only watch her...waiting for her...only then can she be mine | | Reply
 | Recommend | Delete Message 44 of 66 in Discussion | | From: ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦ | Sent: 1/25/2006 1:50 PM | Indeed
the moment came. I felt no harm was to ever come to me as I watched
him take a nail and slide across his chest to open and allow his
essence come from him for me to drink of. My eyes did not show but the
need to allow myself this. I was far from desperate, I just knew it
was how it was to be. I leaned toward him and began to lick of his
blood. The taste was like none I ever took from another. His was so
pure, beyond sweet. I soon found myself holding onto his sides as I
began to drink of his essence deeply. I was enthralled by him. I was
my mercy and found myself trembling deeply as I he allowed me to take
from him. He infact gave to me. No words came from me, only my
actions. When
two vampyres were to feed upon each other it was then, they became as
one. If done right the woman fedd upon him to receive of his blood
within her own and they then lived eternally as it should be. Most
never followed the old ways anymore... is why I never made a habit of
feeding on anyone anymore. I just killed. Stole their blood and
souls. Left them for dead. But Dracula... I couldn't kill, he wouldn't
allow it as I would not allow myself to do such a thing. I not only
drank from him, but became one with him right at that very moment. My
rage became the compassion I was showing him. My hatred became the
love he would receive. Lustful love and desire. He would infact get
the whole from me, that none could. As I drank, the blood dripped from
my mouh down my to my neck. I wanted him to take me then. | | Reply
 | Recommend | Delete Message 45 of 66 in Discussion | | From: stpatrick10 | Sent: 1/28/2006 1:19 AM | Her
lips pressed firmly against the open wound.....she was becoming one
with me....I could hear all her thoughts now, all her emotion that she much hatred....but so much was not of this
world.....I sensed great pain in her...sorrow....grabbing her by the
back of the hair and pulling her away from my wound....I look into her
eyes "you are now a part of me my blood....your blood....our blood" Kissing
her so passionettely on the lips...tasting my own blood...our tongues
danced as I began to remove articles of clothing....and removing hers | | Reply
 | Recommend | Delete Message 46 of 66 in Discussion | | From: ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦ | Sent: 1/28/2006 2:26 AM | When
he pulled me from him, my deep emeralds looked deep within his own,
staring. What I then felt for him, I had never for another. His words
he spoke were music to my ears. I barely heard him yet I understood
every word he spoke. Maybe because I let my guard down with him. Once
our lips met in such passion, his own blood he tasted. We became bound
by his essence... what made him the man he is and was born to be. And
I was the one to partake in this. I
allowed him to feel everything about me. I felt no fear. I desired
him more than before, before the moment we met. He began to undress
himself then me... slowly. I slightly put much effort being i was so
entranced by him. It wasn't a power thing, it was a love thing.
Indeed, he had me at my will and I enjoyed it. Once our bodies became
as the flesh we endured to touch, I looked to him before any next move
was made, tracing a finger along his chin, down his neck to his chest.
I encircled down to the lowest part of his tummy before I moved and
place my lips upon his hoping he would just take me as I desired. | |
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:I am the night
Date Posted:01/23/2009 10:15 AMCopy HTML
 | Recommend | Delete Message 48 of 66 in Discussion | | From: ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦ | Sent: 1/29/2006 5:31 PM | The
intensity was as if fire had surrounded us. Our naked forms collided
and soon become as one. His passion was like no other. It felt
euphoric like mine. It was as if this had been met for sometime, just
our paths seem to travel in different directions. Finally we came to
see who we were destined to be with. With each movement into my warmth
I trembled and moaned with such an erotic tone. His body felt good to
mine, I did not want this night to ever disappear and to become as just
a memory. My
nails became the claws I used to feircely attack my victims with. My
double fangs grew longer and sunk into the nape of his neck as he
thrusted deeply with fury and passion. I fed from him as he fed into
me. I released when to let out the sounds of him to most please my
wants and needs.... the blood of him drip from my mouth, my lucious
deep blood red lips. He came forth with a desirable kiss, to lick of
the blood from his own. I felt a deep connection with him that I had
only when in search for him through time. I knew this was were I
belonged from this point and through time. I howled out as I could
feel my insides driving with pleasure... I could feel his doing the
same. The sensation between us was never to felt by another, nor was
our bond to be broken. My future had only just begun. My place to be
would be annouced as was his. I
began to crave him with each passing moment we evolved deeply with each
other. His passion driven thrusts became more strong and rough, with
stride he moved. I found myself within the grasp of a true predatorial
monster, someone I was most equal with. He then sunk his fangs deeply
within my breast and fed. I gripped onto the bedding, my fists
clenching as my body swayed with passionate heat. It was then I knew
he was my true destiny. | |
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:I am the night
Date Posted:01/23/2009 10:16 AMCopy HTML
 | Recommend | Delete Message 50 of 66 in Discussion | | From: ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦ | Sent: 2/2/2006 3:18 PM | I
was feeling more than euphoria or sweet deep sensations... he made me
feel alive. I felt nothing but him in my presence and I engulfed this
moment like I feasted upon my very first meal with devine pleasure. We
shared something I found to be most pleasing to the soul. Yes.. I had
one and could feel things like a human at times, was far from ever
being one. There was no mortal anything in my blood. Just the soul
that existed was my way to mortal emotions. I enthralled his naked
form with mine, evolving into one passionate fiery lustful
misconception. Nothing that was ever felt before was now. Everything
I hid for most of my immortal life came out this evening with him. I
felt his thoughts runing through mine... I could hear his thoughts.
But I tried to remain free of invading thoughts. We
drank from each other which only enhanced the passion between us. This
biting of the flesh was my only real connection to feeling the erotic
thrusts of fury within my soul. I found my lifemate... my king... my
lord of all darkness. I would not let him go nor would allow another
to feast upon him ever as I will for as long as I rayne in my victory
of who I am. The outsides howled, the winds blew wildly as we roughly
tore from each other the essence and love we began to share. | | Reply
 | Recommend | Delete Message 51 of 66 in Discussion | | From: stpatrick10 | Sent: 2/7/2006 6:10 AM |
seemed to pass so quickly these days. This night...I found myself in
the thrall of a woman.....who lays on my bed...watching me as I look
out from the terrace acoss the land. On this night....I became one
with someone....and I have not felt that in a long long time. I feel
her essence flow throw my entire body....and again, I feel almost
alive. Could it be her soul that I feel? I should learn not to ask
myself such things....I am the Lord Of the Night....not even I should
question it....but on this night....I am filled with many. I could
feel the change in the the land, and in the water....something
did not feel right. On this night of nights....when everything should
be was not...and there was a great darkness
coming....something greater than the darkness I bring....there was
litle time....and I needed to prepare. "Do you feel it coming my angel of darkness....can you feel it?" Looking
at her....I feel she knows what I am saying...and she knows what must
be done...let us just hope the time comes...she will be able to make
that decision. | | Reply
 | Recommend | Delete Message 52 of 66 in Discussion | | From: ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦ | Sent: 2/8/2006 10:44 AM | As
I lay there in content feeling, I watch him. I haven't felt like this
in centuries. He made me feel as if I was more than alive. I felt his
emotions that for statue was unlike. I covered myself as I stood from
the bed to walk by him and stand out on the terrence with him. Looking
out to all he did as he spoke to me. "Do you feel it coming my angel of darkness....can you feel it?" Indeed
I did and knew just what he meant by it. I knew exactally what was
coming and it was coming for me. I knew this would all be to good to
last this long. As soon as I find peace within and the happiness with
another, something to follow of great evil would steal away my blissful
moment. "I felt it as I came here to see you." I
merely whispered the words to him. I knew he understood more than
being decribed. I leaned into him as his arms wrap around my form
embracing the moment. Preparing for what to come, wheither it be this
very night or the next, I knew it or him was on his way to destroy me
and take away the pleasurable feelings I finally came terms with. | |
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:I am the night
Date Posted:01/23/2009 10:17 AMCopy HTML
 | Recommend | Delete Message 54 of 66 in Discussion | | From: <NOBR> ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦</NOBR> | Sent: 2/12/2006 3:04 AM | In
his arms I stayed, listening to his words intently. He knew what I was
feeling, I sensed it was what he meant in the first place. I wrapped
an arm around him to further be closer to him. I took in and put great
thought into his questions before answering, maybe a moment too long..
then I spoke as I moved some to face him and look deep into his eyes... "M'lord,
I will do anything I must to end his miserable existance. He has done
nothing but torment me from birth. I will remain by your side, through
it all. I am most ready for this. Yes. Indeed, this is where I
belong, right at your side. And my father will just have to accept it,
which I know he won't. His death will be at my hand." I continued to look deep into his eyes, then kissed upon his desirable lips, enhaling his tasteful pleasures. | | Reply
 | Recommend | Delete Message 56 of 66 in Discussion | | From: <NOBR> ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦</NOBR> | Sent: 2/12/2006 4:22 AM | I
was more than stunned, no words could escape from my lips. I just
stare at him when he spoke his words. I never thought I would find
another who would feel for me as I did another.. but was rare if I
showed such a feeling.. but for him, it felt right, natural. The
feeling was meant to happen, to be. I kissed under chin, to his lips
and smiled ever so gently, as if all was forgotten of the danger ahead
and the moment I meant him. "I am almost too speechless..." Stopping
as I continued to peer deep into his eyes, mine flickered wildly of
greens and blues. I felt peace and happiness and definitely was not
letting it go. "I accept... I would be more than honored to be your lifemate, your bride, your eternal love." I
kept it short and to the point, stunnned he mentioned such to me,
something I far from expected from him, but felt deep within. Indeed
we would be tested, but I knew through it all, he would stay at my side
as I him. He stole my black heart, soul and mind. I belong here with
him. | |
 | Recommend | Delete Message 57 of 66 in Discussion | | From: <NOBR> stpatrick10</NOBR> | Sent: 2/12/2006 4:28 AM | The
grin that came across my face was not controlable as I kissed her
deeply with the answer she said....I knew in the depths of my black
heart she could give me everything that I hoped for and desired....and
she had the blood of a Goddess...only fitting for one such as
more more angels...just angel of darkness...and
we would seal our bond with our marriage....and the whole realm would
know too....let the realm shutter with admiration and fear....The Lord
Of Darkness would be whole again....and my son will bear witness to it
all. Looking deep into her eyes....I could see that she belonged to
me...and I belonged to her. " We have much to prepare then my is not every day that two imortals wed" | | Reply
 | Recommend | Delete Message 58 of 66 in Discussion | | From: <NOBR> ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦</NOBR> | Sent: 2/12/2006 4:36 AM | I
deeply took in a breath, slow and deep, letting out as slowly. I never
smiled more than this very moment. I would take great pleasure in
seeing the look upon my own father's face when the day, Dracula and I
wed. But more so, the pleasure in making him my life mate, as it
should be... Dracula, he was more than most thought of him so feared
and scared to even mention his name. But I was not scared.. nervous
for this moment to come... but fear, no. I enthralled his deep kiss
and enjoyed and savoured it. "Yes, my lord. We do and I have no problem with moving on this subject with haste." I looked deep into his eyes with such love and admiration for this man. The one who was to be my lifemate. | | Reply
 | Recommend | Delete Message 60 of 66 in Discussion | | From: <NOBR> ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦</NOBR> | Sent: 2/16/2006 1:25 AM | Resting
against him, I felt more safe than I ever have. The view was as
breathtaking as he was. My thoughts were far and few aside of my
father. I knew he would come for me now that I finally found
happiness. After all these centuries gone by, I still was deeply
concerned for my safety. I far from feared this man. He may have
given me the life to live, but he will never take from me again. He
had something that belonged to me and I would in vengence retreive what
souly was mine. I took my eyes from the view to look upon Dracula. I
admired him for his power and compassion. He indeed knew everything I
was feeling. He spoke to me and I listened... "I
will have mesengers send out invitations for a ball....something to
introduce myself and yourself and announce our will be a
grand spectacle" I
agreed with a slow nod, reassuring myself Dracula would never allow his
son, my father, to destroy my happiness. I was somewhat worried. But
not so much it over took the true feelings I was showing. "You
my lord are a grand spectacle. What you have now given me, I never
thought I would ever so receive or feel again. For this, I am bound to
you. By love and blood." I
turned so to face him, looking deep into his eyes, I smiled softly
before placing my lips to his. Our kiss was most devine. He then
leaned his head back to look deep within me, and smiled proudly upon
me, then to kiss upon my forehead. I layed my head upon his chest as
his arms engulfed me. "I give my word to you, I shall not falter you, m'lord." A
chill blew through our area, making me tremble some, he held me more
so. I trusted Dracula, unlike my own father. I knew Dracula would not
falter his words or me. He was true to his word and who he presented
himself as. "I am just worried .. about my father." I
knew he would see through it, I could not hide the worry from him. He
reassured me and I fell into him more. The winds surrounding us felt
more chilly than normal. I knew my father was on his way. And my
father knew I felt his presence coming. | |
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:I am the night
Date Posted:01/23/2009 10:18 AMCopy HTML
 | Recommend | Delete Message 63 of 66 in Discussion | | From: <NOBR> stpatrick10</NOBR> | Sent: 3/16/2006 3:53 AM | And
you shall have your vengence my son shall pay for everything
he has done to you and then will have what he took back. I
could not help but to feel her was so a fire
burning out of control. It rivaled mine at times...but that was another
time and place that is long forgotten. In the years I have learned that
patience is my best weapon and all good things come to those who wait. So
my dearest one....the day will be here soon that we shall become
one....have you any thoughts you wish to share with me? I know it all
has been so fast for you but I know inside that you are the one....I
know very little of you yet know everyting about you...and I want to
make sure that you are feeling the same. | | Reply
 | Recommend | Delete Message 64 of 66 in Discussion | | From: <NOBR> ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦</NOBR> | Sent: 3/18/2006 8:41 PM | I
continued to remain within his embrace. I know he felt everything I
did. He was more intune with me than most could be. I felt my father
was closer with each passing moment. I had listened to Dracula speak
to me, his words wise, he was no fool. His thoughts were strong like
mine, but he was more able to push anything aside for later feasting.
I had been there for a long time, but my father fueled me and the rage
within, just now ing he was still around, made me feel, the hatred, was
it enough to end him and his reign of massive glory of destruction? I
just looked off into the distance as I spoke to answer Dracula... the
man so many by just the long untold and told history alone, loathed and
feared as well lusted, and he was with me, holding me... I didn't know
if to let it go to my head or just remain in the state of mind I was... "This was my destiny and I will follow it, nothing to stear me away from you. I want this as much need it, Dracula." I
had a love within for this man, this vampyre, unlike any. And I had
been apart of him for so long, unknowingly. I felt his need to know
for sure that this is what I wanted, as it wasn't often you find your
destiny and have what happened with us, come along like anything I have
ever known. While I took this in, a distrubing thought entered my
mind, as if someone trying to meld into my thoughts, invade them. I
knew time was near and who it was. I tried to remain calm, but was far
from it. I turned some, just enough so I could into Dracula's eyes... "I will not falter what I want and need with you. You have my love, my eternal love." Placing a gentle, yet erotic kiss upon his lips. | | Reply
 | Recommend | Delete Message 66 of 66 in Discussion | | From: <NOBR> ◦¤†Đa®k£aðyOfVampiŗe§†¤◦</NOBR> | Sent: 8/16/2006 11:00 PM | I
looked to him, my soon to be eternal love, before I headed off to get
things ready for myself. I place a kiss upon his lips, as if lust came
forth, yet only love was felt. I saw the worry and concern in his
hues, as he would mine. The servents did as he asked as I went to
bathe and ready for the night. I felt different after our time spent
so far. Much of the memories of pain started to fade or at least
blacken. Soon before time was delt, I did not forsee the coming
future, only to be days ahead of our marriage. I felt as though I was
called upon for sometime, my father was the only I felt who would do
so. I was wrong. It was a dear sweet dark child I took within my own
and care for as if I had bare in birth. She had been calling for me
for a long time. Due to the thoughts in my head, much was disturb,
blocked. I felt her coming home, this is when I knew Dracula and
myself would need to marry in my castle, for him to call his own as
well. As
I was getting myself prepared for a night alone, once again, to only be
within his embrace before we marry, I felt such an emptiness. it
wasn't my own, but the one who was calling upon me and she did not
travel without child, but with child and her daughter. Many years had
past before Arrianna made her way to me. I then felt her pain. I
called out to my brother, Dracul Jr. to prepare him of her coming
home. Many things would change... many things would not be as I
desired, but the one thing I would not allow to step in my way of.. my
marriage to Dracula. "I will never allow anything to destroy this for me.. not this time." I
had mumbled softly under my breathe. After al I had delt with some
many years ago.. I was far from ready to lose what I felt I finally
deserved for all I built and had been torn to nothing, to rebuild and
gather and regain. Soon
after I had found myself on the edge of the bed, in the attire to rest
in, I heard a soft knock upon the door of the room I was in. One of
the servants approach with news... I was far from the first to know of
Arrianna's return to me. I sat, befounded. then to call to Dracula to
come to my sted and embrace me. I needed his strength this eve. The
strength to gather for the future events. | |
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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- Register:01/17/2009 11:30 PM
Re:I am the night
Date Posted:01/23/2009 10:20 AMCopy HTML
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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