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Title: My Final Journey..? | |
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Date Posted:01/23/2009 9:50 AMCopy HTML NOTE:
I started this for Wampyr's Coven, but seems I can use here as well,
working it will be the part that Dracula and Casandra were torn apart,
seems confuckled at first, but just go with me on it, OK? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:My Final Journey..? Date Posted:01/23/2009 9:51 AMCopy HTML
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:My Final Journey..? Date Posted:01/23/2009 9:53 AMCopy HTML
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:My Final Journey..? Date Posted:01/23/2009 9:54 AMCopy HTML
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:My Final Journey..? Date Posted:01/23/2009 9:54 AMCopy HTML
Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:My Final Journey..? Date Posted:01/23/2009 9:55 AMCopy HTML Venus
returned back to our father with feirce thoughts, hatred written all
about her face. Standing at his side where he sat while was just
ignoring her as always, her fingers ran across his flesh slowly... her
nails dug into him, his neck, as she gripped ever so tightly, then to
let go as she growled out in anger. "I told you to go away for now, Venus. I haven't time for you right now." "Why is that?!?" Venus
had snapped back as she pushed at him with hostile feeling in her of
me. Expecting him to pay attention and forget the fact I was even
there. It was eating her alive he had me come here. As if I wanted.... no way, it just happened. Venus expected our father to answer her. "Why don't you EVER listen to me you fucking waste of flesh!?" As
she just finished her words he stood gripping her throat tightly, she
could not breathe. He was mere hairs from her lips as he spoke with
the most harsh deep low deep tone. "Unless you want me to rip you apart, be gone!!" Just
letting her drop as she tried breathing. She choked and coughed from
his strong grip. Slowly coming to her feet as he turned away, she
pushed upon his back as if she never cared if her eternal rest came.
He turned gripping her throat enough and threw her hard to against the
wall, enough to make the wall crack open. She fell limp for moments
from his thrust of power. This was only the beginning of their fight
over me. And I could hear it all from the room I ran around on the
track. Trying to make the most of this unwanted stay here. They
fought and argued before he left her in his office on the floor, limp
as if to be in her infernal death. He headed right for me, I stopped,
waited and stare right at the entrance. I was not in the mood to be
around either as I hated both more than equally. I felt my
fathers intentions, but not as much my own sisters. I thought of my
brother and knew he would never find me in time to help me out of this fucking crazy mess. I stood my ground as my father entered just to look at me before he to stand only hairs from me pushing me to the wall. "You do NOT have the luggury of making me wait on what I want. Death waits for you as much your own sister. I'd rather keep -you-
around, not her. But if your mind has not been made, your decsion I do
not give you much more time to ponder upon, I will be forced to kill
you once and for all." Then
he placed this deep passionate sickening kiss upon my lips, as if I
wasn't his flesh and bones, but his future mate to be. Only a moment
passed and he was gone as I dropped puking out what was bearly left in
me. I never felt more sick, more determined to kill myself, or get
out. Venus was standing at the door when she saw him kiss me which
only caused the worst of frictions between her and I. Before she could
get to me I had slipped into a mist and disappeared into some other
part of the underworld, my fathers play-grounds. I felt so alone. I
felt the end so near and no hope for me. It wasn't till I saw a glimps
of light from up above that helped me to remember everyone at the
coven, my past before I went there and my future I had tried to plan
out. I fell to my knees in blood tears, silently crying out in pain as
if to scream for help without a word to leave my mouth. This monster
stole a part of me so long ago and now he wants me as his eternal
mate. If I didn't decide his way, I die and Venus gets everything of
mine. IF I were to choose his way, I live in the hell I left when I
was just a child. The skies he had created in this under-verse were
nothing like up on the earth. The grounds were black and dirty. No
life, no love, nothing. It was his hell and if I decided yes... it would be mine.
For now I had not thought of the possibilites of my unknown future,
just the rotten bliss he created to make me most miserable and his
peacefully insane. Sick fucking bastard, monster, unruley,
thoughtless..... creature. He was never a man. He would never be a man, even with me around. Time
wasn't ticking, but instead hung over my head like a rope ready to hang
me. I had no time to think of my way out nor my way to live with this
demonic abomination. I stood and leaped from the group into the dark
filled skies and flew around pondering on my non-existant future. I
even went as far to call out in my mind for help. I would never know if anyone would or could hear my thoughts down here. Nor did I know if anyone would or could save me... or maybe it wasn't anyone's responcability but my own. Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:My Final Journey..? Date Posted:01/23/2009 9:56 AMCopy HTML As
I roam the dark skies I just happen to stumble across a part of this
underworld my father never did destroy. I landed as if like a leaf off
a tree in the fall. Taking a look around, I slightly tilt my head as
my eyes catch a glimsp of something from my childhood. Almost to my
disbelief it could ever be possible to come across this ever again, as
if meant for me too see. My form took another form I haven't since I
could last remember, hardly to recognize me if to see me. I cloaked my
form ina heavy darkness shroud as I knelt down taking a hold of the
sword that I thought my father broke and buried along with my soul long
ago. Holding in my hand as I felt a dark presence approach me. "It has all too long my dear. I believe it is now time for you to take your rightful place in history." Looking
back as I swiftly swung the sword holding right to this dark presences
throat. I dropped the sword to my absolute surprise. "You... why now? Why you of all creatures in this dark domain to approach me?" "You
thought you destroyed me? Maybe perhaps thought you and I had no
further buisness? Or maybe in the back of your mind you knew this
moment would come and you knew I would be the one to make you decide
your true fate as of today?" I
spoke nothing to him. I backed away slowly, almost to stuble over my
own feet as I dropped to the ground, speechless. My eyes never left
him, but a mere lost memory was no more when the night we last stood on
the same ground came forth. The night he gave what powers I had buried
away the day I put him in his slumbering wake. He walked to me leaning
down reaching out with his long fingers to touch across my lips. His
fingers trace my face as he grip hold of my neck, squeezing my throat.
I felt my last breath leave me when I step out of myself to look upon
him from a high rise above. I used what he gave me long ago to strike
him down as he left go of my body I left. His head turned to face what
part of me left my body as I felt something eletrical slide through my
veins, reconnecting my spirit form to my body. He lept from from the
ground as he took me in his arms, embracing me. His darkness covered
me like a thick heavy blanket. We then became as one. The skies
filled with lightening at a rapid pace. My form once again to shift
quickly to the one I hated the most, the one I feared. Or was the fear I felt not mine and his all along? As
I felt somehting strange coming over me, a shift in the darkness was
felt from me to my father. I could hear his thoughts, he knew I would
be on my way to end him, my sister and all he existed for. I grabbed
the sword and engulfed the dark skies, becoming the ambomination my
father tried to bring out in me from the day my mother brought into
this sinfully unforgiving world. I could the dark presence within me
speaking the language I was brought into this world knowing before to
speak what everyone else understood. I saw many old memories run
through my mind like waves of destructiveness. In no time I had
returned to my fathers place, crashing through the main entrance
rushing past all his little minions, slaves. One of them attempted to
stop me but had no chance as my form engulf the one who so bravely
stood forth. My father awaited my return, embracing the moment I stood
my ground for the last time with him. My sister was already there,
watching me fly in as my sword peirce through him as if he had never
existed in the first place. The howling sounds of cries left him, loud
enough to break any eardrums within the grounds his underworld was.
The earth trembling, the start of an earthquake had begun when he swung
his mighty fists at me, one to catch me knocking me back into the wall,
cracking down the middle through the entire room. I quickly bounced
back toward him and lept into his chest as I reached my claws into his
form ripping out what was left of the blackness that kept him alive.
His body fell limp, I knew he was not dead though. The blackness beat,
the blood dripped as I screeched. I yelled out in the language I could
the dark presnece within me speak as my fathers body exploded. The
blackness disappeared becoming dust. Venus came right for me but my
sword I had grabbed and peirced through her all to quickly before she
was able enough to attempt to kill me. within the instant she felt the
sword in her she exploded. I never felt more alone in my entire
lifetime around as I watched them both die by my hand. The dark
presence left me and spoke... "Now you must finish what you've begun." Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:My Final Journey..? Date Posted:01/23/2009 9:56 AMCopy HTML He
watched me walk out of the room I created such havoic and mayham. The
only thing left behind was my father blood blood which seeped into the
ground floor, the dirt. I knew there maybe no end to him, but as for
my own blood, my sister.... she was gone. I did as I needed for that
and now to finish what I needed. I almost felt some strange bound of
powers intertwine and evolve me in a way I couldn't describe to
anyone. I felt sudden chills, then a massive explossive thought came
to mind as I lept out of what was no longer of my father underworld.
The dark pressence followed within the shadows to make sure I finished
what I needed or he would this time. I went up against him long ago,
so long ago time became of no value anymore. To him, this was a must,
to me.. I could care less. I did what I needed. "I hear your thoughts, Casandra. Don't fail me or your death is by my hand." He
spoke with haste and rage, low and deep, dark and sinister. It gave me
the chills. Maybe I had the chills only because I was just like him in
some unknown form or another. He mentored in my earliest of days.
Right from the beginning of time he was around, unlike my own father.
This dark presence gave me more than the knowledge I needed, but many
stealthy peices of armor and weaponary. I earned my place by fighting
and winning every battle or war he placed before me. I took up
necromancing somewhere in those early days which only pissed him off.
As if I failed him then, as he assumed I'd now. Being the necromancer
helped me to gain more than so many at such an early age. Now I find
it to be my kink, my fault. It has slowed me down. The
road shallowed to a small path leading to the portal I enetered. I
stood there for moments pondering of my future. He pushed me from
behind as I stepped into the portal, the mist of black and a dark light
glow around me as I was in a matter of seconds right back where I began
before ever stepping into the portal to my fathers world. "Let us go, time may have no value anymore, but your life to me does." So
I followed him in the darkest of shadows, evolving with each element I
came into touch with. I headed toward my destination, swiftly. I had
many thoughts, memories and saw Angel in my mind more than anyone. I
had called out to her at this point. I knew I wouldn't make it out
alone and needed her by my side. Her powers grew as much did mine,
together we would become undefeatable. I stood within the trees,
watching all the folk around and saw the one I had to end. It was my
son. this dark presence tricked me. I became more angered than ever
and lashed out upon him. He grabbed hld of me and laughed more evilly. "Seems
you have forgotten who gave you most of what you are today. You can
not kill me, I am eternally in your fate, Casandra. You know what to
do to end what will only make your entire world crash down, be
destroyed and cause the world more choas than ever." I shook my head and glare with hate toward him speaking loud enough in my harshest tone. "You
took alot from me, giving me nothing to gain and now you expect me to
kill my own child? the child I searched for, for so long that you knew
I needed to have part of me? Why now?" "I no longer have words, just end it or I end you and then him." "NO!" I
ran toward my son, who had no clue of my existance. I grabbed hold of
him and told him just how sorry I was for never being around, the only
thing he did was push me away and scream at me. "I don't know you, you fucking crazy lady!! Get away from me before I kill you!" I
just stood there, gazing upon the flesh I created. He looked like his
father who I knew I'd never see. He spoke like i would and was sure he
became a great warrior. "You don't know me, but I do you and have but a moment to stop something awful from happening...." As he cut me off... "I know your intentions.. just do what you must... your friend has already informed me.. shall we then??" So
he lied not knowing me and knew ... then growling as I attacked the
dark presence, my sword thrust through where his black heart would have
been, taking a small dagger all the same jabbing into his skull to
watch his body drop and sink into the ground as did my father. All the
folk around ran and screamed, but my son just stood there and spoke
softly to me. "So... you are who they say you are, I would be honored to walk by your side... mother." Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:My Final Journey..? Date Posted:01/23/2009 9:57 AMCopy HTML I
just looked with a deep thought after what I'd done, remember the dark
presnence's mere last words to me. It struck like sharp intensity of
lightening. "We must go, he is not dead." Though
I didn't react to my son's words. I had to get him someone at least
where I knew he would be somewhat safe for the time being. Looked like
I was not returning to the Coven but my own home I hadn't been to in
sometime. My brother was there, along with a few others I knew could
protect his own future fromt his dark presence I was going face as I
had my father for so long. We headed down a very dark long path, as I
grabbed hold of his hand I pulled him into the thick of the forest as
we jump from tree to tree as I most enjoyed. I let him go knowing he
wouldn't lose track of me, not if he was own blood, my child. I had to
put his father in my past for good knowing he had been gone for so
long, would be ashamed of the dishonor his own son claimed for years
and years. I know I had alot of work ahead of me, but was worth it if
to only gain back what I lost when giving him a chance in this forsaken
world. "Are we even close to your place, honored one?" "Shh.. it is enough our scents leave track, not so much mine as much yours. Just keep following, all will be explained once we are there." The
night wasn't long enough it seemed to get most things done, I could see
the sun rising far off and knew his blood wasn't just strong enough to
last within the light as I could. He was more like his father, ashame
too. I found a hidden underground passage for us to follow for as long
as possible. Though it was full of folk, no one seem to notice either
us... how could you anyhow at the speed we traveled? Swiftly we curved
around the bends and through the thinnest parts of this underground
passage, coming to a near dead end that lead back outside. I looked to
him once to stop and push the wall. Looking with worry and anger. "We
have no choice but to stop for now till I can remember the other
passage to travel. I am not sure how far away we are either." "If you are who I heard so much of, you can make it so I can walk in the sunlight." Sounding pissed as hell as I answer him wirh my usual questions.... "What else has you heard? And why lie right to my face in the beginning?" "The
dark presence paid me to play it off like that. Had been on my tail
for years telling me alot of stories of you and father. I never got to
know father, knew I wouldn't. But knew our fate would come sooner or
later. So do it then so we can be on our way." I
shook my head angrily and sat in a small cubby hole in the wall, big
enough for us to fit in, he just looked and seemed more angry than I. "So it is all true then.. you have died so much not to care even enough about me?" I
just let him bitch on, I wouldn't answer him now, his time would come.
Now was far from the right time with too many around. Now wouldn't be
time to give a show of who and what we were. He just sighed and sat
beside me and waited as did I. He wanted to know so much from me
alone, I could hear his thoughts move like a heard of folk being chased
by our own kind at night. Pulling my knees up to my chest almost like
curled in a ball, leaning against the wall, I would rest my head down
upon my knees and wait quietly. People who travel these passages most
daily would stop every so often near us and talk about how life used to
be for them. I couldn't bare to stay here longer, but.. as it was..
time was not allowing my son to run rampade like I could. My son, Justin looks to me and whishpers... "You will explain why you of all vampyres wouldn't help me to walk in the light, right?" Again
I just ignored him. whatever had happened to me, being so as I did.
Lost from my own for so long I hadn't a care in the world liek I did.
Memories of the Coven and my home run wild and free. I saw one I
missed dearly aside my brother, one I called my mother. Maybe I would
see her once again. But since I wasn't headed bck to the coven.... who
knows when that would be. I rested my eyess for a short time while
hearing the conversations outside our cubby hole. My son finally just
rested into the hole and remain quiet as we patiently waited. though
his thoughts were so loud, worried the dark presence would find us
whith this lost time traveled, unknowing to his mind that was far from
thrue.. for now Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:My Final Journey..? Date Posted:01/23/2009 9:58 AMCopy HTML While
time seemed to creep up on us, I had finally remember the path I used
to take when traveling these underground passages so long ago. I
grabbed my son's hand without word and took off with him for the next
passage. The sun was bright today, he wouldn't last for a second if I
took him out. I decided to give to him what he should have been born
with. His fathers blood seem to over power mine back then making it so
he was unable to walk in day light as I. He as well never took flight
in daytime as I did either. We slipped into a small area where less
traveled for the time being. I brought his close to me without word,
embracing him into my womb of eternal bliss. My bite felt like some
kind of pleasure he desired since birth, I drained him of every last
drop of his father to return all of what he needed was me. His essence
was powerful and his bond he had found deep within himself evolved with
mine. He fell limp for awhile, but no one [paid mind as they walked
by, what few did. Seemed these folk down here seem a little too much
more than needed through time. He slept in my arms while I dripped my
blood upon his lips allowing it to slither into his mouth down his
throat into his form. I watched his form take hold a new mold. His
skin darken just enough like mine before he opened his eyes to look
into mine. His eyes had a glowing effect, red like blood, the lust was
growing already once to get a taste of mine. He would remain weakened
till a day and night pass. I would have to find soemthing for him to
ride upon so we could travel during the day. Once he woke enough he
gave the same evil smirk I always did. He no longer resemble his
father, but instead to resemble me. A
wicked move on my part, but Justin his father would have to find it in
himself to forgive me to save our son's life. I stepped out looking
around, the tunnel exit was crowed and full of so many folk I had to
push us through them to get to a car. I loathed driving with some
feirce passion, but times had changed. And where we had to go, would
take a long time on horse or foot. He was far from strong enough to
fly with just yet. Some rather rich man stepped away from his black
Viper as I slipped in unnoticed as did my son, we stapped ourselves and
took off like a bullet out of a gun. the rich man had no chance in
time to see or what stole his car. By the time he would even report it
stolen, I would have changed everything aobut it so once found, they
would think the man was just one of the crazies. We found a long
highway to travel and headed in the highspeed lane passing by all the
cars and trucks as if they were standing still. I wouldn't be caught
if wanted too, traveling at a rate too fast the cops wouldn't waste
their time on. I was a mere blur, not enough enough to make out the
car never mind the plates or who was driving. Time for us seemed to slow down enough though I was driving so fast. My son looked to me whispering softly.... "Why did you do it?" I
didn't answer.. one less for conversation, far less for answering any
questions. So again he made his attemtpts to make me talk... "Please, I have to know.. why did you do it?" I
pulled over down a path, darkened one, enough to cover us from any
visable eyes or pass-byers on the highway. I didn't even turn my head
when I spoke to him while my eyes darkened and glow upon the outter rim
of purple. My words were short and to the point, softly spoken.. "I had no choice." I sat just looking out the windsheild, almost as if in deep thought. "You would have died otherwise." I
took off after tunring around and headed back on the path we were and
said nothing more while he just looked to me, worried, scared and
consumed by me. I sired my son once again.. giving him life in the
first place and to sire and give him strengths he may never
understand. The highway was about to turn off to a different, I took
it and headed down traveling the same speed. Before long the sun
disappear like the sky placed this black blanket over it. we were
closer to my place. I could feel it. "Could you answer me one thing if not at least talk?" Giving
me an option was not good on his part, how quickly he would learn I
take nothing in concideration nor allow one to take great advantage of
me ever. I just ignored him and drove on till we near the castle.
Making this step would further make him angered. I knew what he wanted
to ask.. what took me so long, for he would figure this out on his own,
for now.. we had much more to work on, many important things to take
care before I returned back to the Coven or even back to Dracula's
castle. I slow down as I drove the very long rocky path toward my
castle. Maybe one day he would learn to accept this and not hate me so
much, something I would have to understand, if he never did. Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:My Final Journey..? Date Posted:01/23/2009 9:59 AMCopy HTML ~~ INTERMISSION ~~ Abrupt continuous good for nothing real life shit interupts my darkest thoughts. Please be patient for the continuation of "My Final Journey..?" ~~INTERMISSION 2~~ This
maybe continued within another sl.. already in the works, please be
most patient for the continuing saga of her final journey. There has
been from the beginning of her time (DLoV's), a presence, and the
unknown. Never told anyone if either had been part of the her father.
What will come of this will be of great catastrophe. Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:My Final Journey..? Date Posted:01/23/2009 10:00 AMCopy HTML "Will you ever find it in yourself not to be so self centered like your father?" A
blunt question slipped from his mouth, the mouth I would no sooner
punch out of rage instead of answering his question. He grabs hold of
my wheel making the car spin out of control off into the woods crashing
into one of the larger trees. Moments would pass and all I heard was
him screaming in pain, though it was dulled by the pain I felt from my
head being slammed into by the bag as soon as we hit the tree forced
our bodies into sudden impact and shock. I slipped in and out as he
was able to get us both out of the car, the car that was no longer even
more than a mere piece of metal all crumpled and smashed in... how did
we ever make it out of this.. I hadn't wished more of my final days
till now. My
son took it upon himself to make sure he made a fire and hunted while I
lay as if in a state of unconsciousness. This was when my moment of
remembering everything I pawned off to some void, came back all at
once. Seeing everything I ever fought only became the worst of my
nightmares to come. And the presence that had followed me since I
could remember stood over me, and laugh in his most evil
disillusionistict way. The lowly evil skull fucker he was made into
would find a way to destroy me when I could least do anything about
it. My son nowhere to hear even my thoughts to save me, I had to fight
back into the world I never wanted to return. A passage opened and I
took it. Nothing seemed as it was, nor would it ever from this point
on. I fought to wake from the deep state of what would seem sleep I
was in while inside my mind I was in the worst of my wars ever to
fight. I
would scream as loud as possible but no one came to my calls except the
one I loathed even more than my own flesh and blood.... the presence. "And you call yourself a the goddess of darkness, the dominate defiant undefeated warrior?" His
laughter deep and hoarse, evil in tone, the cracklings surrounding him.
The was more cold and thick than ever I'd known. Death was here, he was
the king, soon I would see just what was to come of me. I knew this
was the end and nothing was to stop it but myself. When
my son returned he became angered seeing I was bound within several
binds of silken ties, unabling my son to free me. My body lay across
as if on a bed, but all he saw was me floating, leviating in air. The
blackened aura that surrounded me made it much more difficult for him
to near me. Within myself I tried to yell out for him, dulled by the oh
so evil presence and his vixen hell spawns that had been my kin. Their
demonic nails turned to claws began tracing my shape, my form, the
blood began to form along the cuts they made as they would dig deeper
to bleed me dry. Would they be successful? Beyond this, only one
would know. "Let her go!" He
tried all he could, my sons powers where merely any match against what
gave my father the power in the first place to unite and create the
damned creature I was made into. Infact it was the thought I always
felt my father was the abomination, how wrong I was and found it was
never so true but it was I who was so. I
struggled feeling weaker by the second, my entire eternal life slipping
away. Some kind of trap it had to be.. some new test in mind was all I
could truely believe to defeat this to come to it. What
was to come I never would have saw, no actually I never did see nor
expect but I slipped into the realm in which there was no coming back.
Just as I knew.. if I hadn't killed my son, this would happen now the
final war has begun. The tormenting, the final trial of my eternal
damnation was here. Was I to fight or let go, I would not decide, nor
would I care, but instead another who would allow only then for me to
choose my fate. My
son could not save me, no one from this point had the power nor
abilities to bring me back. I was more than doomed and my time had
final come. I
slipped off not knowing the continued torture played with wicked
deceit, who was behind all this I was merely the pawn in his vicious
ill minded attempts. Our path crossed a many times, warned me more
than enough to give me time... indeed my time was here. I could only
feel myself slip away, unable to stop what was to be... not knowing who
came forth to make the final demands upon me. I nolonger made the attempts to be free but stay in silence and await the forever death placed upon me. Here's a riddle: When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.
When you scream it sounds like a lullaby
There's no reality Just this world of illusion.
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Re:My Final Journey..? Date Posted:04/07/2009 7:15 PMCopy HTML <c><b>~~~~~~~~~~~INTERMISSION PLEASE BE PATIENT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is Casandra... I am back to finish my long awaited stoy as well to help continue helping this new group here to grow as big and bad as possible. Im sure Im anything but alone in this.. *Evil grin* I wish to help as much as I can.. anything else we can do, let myself and my very hummle one LithaHellkitten . Thank you beautiful and friend whom is such a treasure to me for all she's done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<b/><c/> DarkLadyVampyre ~Owner of EROD~
Diabolica Elite ~Owner of NSI~