had been in my office for most of that evening working on old things,
bills and such. I heard a soft knock on my door. I thought this would
be a good time for a break so I got up from my desk and walked to the
door and opened to see one of my minions there. "M'lady,
we have company. A woman lost needed rest and food. I gave her a room
and left her to get her rest till you saw fit what to do with her." I
nodded and told him to be on his way as I walked to the room this woman
lay rest in. I was curious as to she would be seeing I hardly got
company this time of the year or night. I looked in on her as she
deeply slept. I only saw what looked to be her shadowed image under
the covers. I closed the door and went back t my office. I would wait
till morning to greet her and find out of her buisness on my land. Till then I went right back to working. I did not have much else to do at the time. I
later heard another knock on my door, the same minion from earlier. I
greeted him and asked why he insisted on bothering me once again. "She has awoken, m'lady. She is downstairs by the fireplace awaiting to meet with you." "Thank you, be on your way then.." He
took heed and left to do work around the castle. I headed to meet
her. I didn't at first know what to talk about since it was so
uncommon for women to show up on my doorstep. When I entered the main
room, I looked to her and saw a familar face. We looked to each other
as we both seemed a loss for words. I knew this woman. Our last
encounter was not on friendliest of terms at all. "Yes... you know who I am. As I know of you. It is no mystery, my dear sister." Her words actually made me cringe. "Sister you maybe, but dear, never. Why are you here?" I spoke with haste and hatred. "Do not be angry with me after all these years gone by, you'd think our ties were cut of the anger and hate." "Your
wrong.. nothing will ever change... I will let you stay another night
but you must be gone from my home after then, and don't say goodbye." "I will leave when good and ready, you and I have buisness to tend too." I
shook my head, I hated her for coming here and she knew it. After all
this time, why now. I just went back upstairs and into my office
locking the door. I rested my head down upon my desk and went into
deep thought. |