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Main Board |
This board is to welcome new members. Feel free to make a new chat for each member that join.Each tread must have the member's name. I hope that you enjoy your stay in my realm. |
5 | 0 |
Topic:Welcome to My Darkness Posted by: LithaSapien 05/30/2019 3:41 PM |
83 |
All Rules are here You have been told. If you do not read them and you break one you shall have to pay the consequent. |
4 | 0 |
Topic:φLaws Of The Darknessφ Posted by: LithaHellkitten 01/20/2009 9:41 AM |
105 |
Here is where something for yourself to choose comes in. It is optional. Add whatever info you like about yourself here in a new thread. Below is a list to follow or make up your own. Don't hold back on anything here. Say as much or little as you want. Don't put anything but your name. As long as you know this board is open to those who wish to share things within this realm, will always remain here. |
5 | 2 |
Topic:Komm aka Brian Posted by: LordKommKayriel 02/06/2009 4:20 PM |
81 |
Member please take some time to enter your profile in this chat board. Please only make one thread for all your characters. Thank you and have a good time. |
20 | 6 |
Topic:Character Profile Sheet Posted by: LithaSapien 05/30/2019 3:32 PM |
188 |
All General and Out of Character conversation here only |
2 | 1 |
Topic:Different Header Posted by: LithaHellkitten 01/30/2009 10:47 AM |
142 |
Have you wanted to share something and couldn't because other groups wouldn't allow what you actually had to offer due to their over-done-rules? I have seen it and left the group unnoticed. This is a place for freelancers. Freelancers are usually of old school and are older than most. They are the ones who do not need a talking to about right from wrong and know their deal in the role play world. Here is a place where you can share your deepest thoughts, wildest fantasies. Be it sexual or not.... share it. Have ideas that you think others may adore.. share it here.. please start up a new thread for each idea for a new or old S/L within the realm. |
1 | 0 |
Topic:Proposal_Brothel-of-Hell Posted by: Ohberon 06/27/2009 11:32 AM |
64 |
Here is a place we can talk about any story going on without messing up the other boards. |
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83 |
I know we all have our days when nothing goes right. Especially when our days starts off like shit and seems to get worse. so here is the place to share your aggressive side, realease the demons and let the fury of your soul be known. Within respect to all member, please do male or female bashing or start shit you can not finish. Do not like my laws, let me know. Do not like the way I run things, tell me. Tell everyone what's on your mind when you need to let it out. This is the only place I will allow such to be said and known, if you express it on other boards it will be deleted without warning after Ihave given a peice of my mind. Need to yell.. do it here. Need to bitch about anything.. this is the place to come. Keep it in on this board and no where else. Anyone who feels they are being treated unfairly.. express your thoughts. Feel you are not getting what you deserve... let it be known. Otherwise.. keep it to yourself and burn in hell and rot like the fool you are for not speaking up for yourself. Start a new thread.. do not add to this one. |
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77 |
It has come to my attention this board is needed for good reason. |
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72 |
Here is where all the games of the haven are played. Have something new to add you think anyone will enjoy playing along out of RP.. add it here... quizzes, clues, scrambles, last post, guess who?, guess what?, word association, and more. Feel free to give it your all in any kind of game here.. no holds barred in this part of the realm. |
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80 |
Realm Story Lines |
Here is where all role play that take place in the Castle will happen |
2 | 11 |
Topic:Return Of The King Posted by: LithaHellkitten 01/23/2009 10:22 AM |
85 |
All role play taking part with in the Gardens and Courtyards |
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72 |
This is the role play outside of the Castle, Gardens, and Courtyard. Like in the Forest, Groves, Lakes, Hills and Mountains. |
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96 |
This board is for histories.. old time, the past not present nor future. what happened before coming here or when coming here. Start a new thread, do not add from this. As with any board, all are welcome to jump in and or join your own s/l or someone else's as long as they want you too. See you all on the boards. |
4 | 20 |
Topic:My Final Journey..? Posted by: LithaHellkitten 04/07/2009 7:15 PM |
96 |
Announcements |
This will be treadled like the town Crier, Official Letters, Births, Deaths, or any thing that need to be Announcement. |
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Topic:Realm Lifemates Posted by: LithaHellkitten 01/24/2009 7:17 PM |
69 |
This is where you can post anything important in your life. Like if you will be leave for sometime, Moving, Births and anything that might take you way from the Forum. If you will be leaving for sometime please give dates. |
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67 |
This is where Announcements from Moderators and Administrators will be. Thinks that will affect the forum and story lines. |
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93 |
Realm Birthday |
January Birthdays Here |
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75 |
February Birthdays Here |
0 | 0 |
146 |
March Birthdays Here |
1 | 0 |
Topic:Caja Luna Kayriel Posted by: LithaHellkitten 01/20/2009 10:58 AM |
63 |
April Birthdays Here |
0 | 0 |
69 |
May Birthdays Here |
2 | 0 |
Topic:Bansee/ Aurora/ Litha Posted by: Bansee 07/13/2010 5:19 AM |
77 |
June Birthdays Here |
0 | 0 |
46 |
July Birthday Here |
0 | 0 |
55 |
August Birthday Here |
1 | 0 |
Topic:DerDameEngel Posted by: LithaHellkitten 02/09/2009 8:15 AM |
118 |
September Birthday Here |
1 | 0 |
Topic:Johnny Posted by: LithaHellkitten 02/09/2009 8:16 AM |
59 |
October Birthday Here |
1 | 0 |
Topic:Lord Komm Kayriel Posted by: LithaHellkitten 02/09/2009 8:18 AM |
50 |
November Birthday Here |
0 | 0 |
41 |
December Birthday Here |
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54 |
Forum Members Mailboxes |
Any and all letters to the Administrator |
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Topic:Hmm shall be where I make myself comfy? Posted by: DarkLadyVampyre 09/01/2009 8:22 PM |
103 |
All letters to the Moderators |
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43 |
Letter for Advanced Memebers |
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52 |
Letters to Normal Memebers |
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52 |
Realm Writing |
Here is where you can soar the highest expressing your most inner thoughts... feel free to share any of your work here. Let your ideas explore the unknown regions of your world. Let it be of light or darkness, mystery or drama, action or adventure, sensual or erotic. No holds barred here. |
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Topic:Always Posted by: LordKommKayriel 01/26/2009 5:37 AM |
51 |
Here is where you can soar the highest expressing your most inner thoughts... feel free to share any of your work here. Let your ideas explore the unknown regions of your world. Let it be of light or darkness, mystery or drama, action or adventure, sensual or erotic. No holds barred here. |
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49 |
Here is where you can soar the highest expressing your most inner thoughts... feel free to share any of your work here. Let your ideas explore the unknown regions of your world. Let it be of light or darkness, mystery or drama, action or adventure, sensual or erotic. No holds barred here. |
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55 |
Archive |
Any s/l ended or unable to be finished will go here. Nothing else is to ever be posted or added on in this board. If whoever began a s/l that ended on this board feels they wish to start up again, it must be discussed with the management of E.R.O.D.... Only may then once all votes are in, can it be removed from this board back to its proper place. Any question, contact myself and or Casandra only on this matter. |
1 | 14 |
Topic:And Darkness Followed Posted by: LithaHellkitten 01/23/2009 9:18 AM |
60 |
This is the to continue later board. Since some changes are needed, s/l's not being used will be here. If anyone who started the story wishes to start up again.. the story will be transferred to its proper place. This is not the finally ending s/l board, just continuous board for later use. |
1 | 3 |
Topic:The Given Destiny Posted by: LithaHellkitten 01/23/2009 9:26 AM |
52 |
What's going on here? |
Founded: 1/18/09 7:37:30 AM
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